~~~~~~~~Map of the Heart~~~~~~~~

It's all right! Let's proceed forward. Always carry the Sun in our heart.
When the storm comes, let's put our shoulders together and look forward to the hope after that.
If the pieces of our dream are gathered, it'll become a navigation map that points to the future.
So let's get together under one flag and grasp our wish.
We're one, One Piece.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


hehehehe... i just thought that i'd capture this official announcement from ssabsa's website and post it so that urm.. kenangan buat semua. wakakakaka. bukan selalu tau.. tahun kita keluar results
(gosh.. i have nothing to do ryte now)

nanti boleh lah you guys kongsi perasaan.. menanti result (which if i am counting at this sec.. will be coming out in approximately 7 hours... hahahahaha)...

oh yer..nak kongsi result pun leyh. (hahahaha. cuak.) oh yeah.. kalau nak.. you can press "Print Screen" on the keyboard and urm.. paste in Paint.. and then save.. and then upload lah onto this blog. hahahahha. Am just joking... saperlah nak buat cam tu... (kecuali you get 5 A20.. which i hope would come true for our batch.. anythings possible at this moment) omg.. i am crapping a bit too much... hani..

hurm... i miss you all bdw. you should know that. i miss the class. i miss our lecturers. i just cant believe that BTN was the last bubbye. hurm.. (tears trickling down my right cheek)

at this point.. i am starting to think back.. aper yang hani study waktu nak exam tu.. what questions did i not answer.. was i hard working enuf.. boy, i feel dreadful biler fikir balik all the things.. better not think.

i suppose i have nothing to type actually.

marilah kita hadapi result ini... our next journey is about to start again. lets brace ourselves for whateva thats gonna happen in 7 more hours. hahahahaha.

do tell each other stuffs through this blog on any updates... like fly maner etc.


with lots of love,
hani yang menanti result dalam 7 jam lagi...

peace peeps!!!!

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