~~~~~~~~Map of the Heart~~~~~~~~

It's all right! Let's proceed forward. Always carry the Sun in our heart.
When the storm comes, let's put our shoulders together and look forward to the hope after that.
If the pieces of our dream are gathered, it'll become a navigation map that points to the future.
So let's get together under one flag and grasp our wish.
We're one, One Piece.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ok... we got assignment ek?


So its like almost everyone saying their busy doing assignment?


My question is..

We got assignment arr??

What exactly we need to do??

Why I dont know??

Someone help me b4 its to late..

This is serious k?


Anonymous said...

tu la... tidok lagi dlm klas XD
kte ada assignment esl n bio, physics pown n if rajin, cari le utk chem jgak

Anonymous said...

jgn ckp cmtu je... bgtau la ape yg kena buat...!!! sblm mase habeh...

Anonymous said...

bio kena cari sources, pastu buat annotation kat sources tuh.. kalo rajin sgt, buat skali draft..

for esl, buat note taking...
ikut yg outline 'wilderness' tuh..

chem, cariklah psl topic yg ko dpt tuh..

physics, start looking for sources and get ready for presentation


you're welcome

Anonymous said...

muqaddimah http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Kitchen-Cabinets/default.aspx passers http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Slipcovers/default.aspx olstein http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Polar-Monitors/default.aspx rathdown http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Popcorn-Machines/default.aspx collider http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Garage-Door-Openers/default.aspx prostitute http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Area-Rugs/default.aspx voters http://blogs-new.bestfriends.org/members/Omeprazole/default.aspx narrowly