~~~~~~~~Map of the Heart~~~~~~~~

It's all right! Let's proceed forward. Always carry the Sun in our heart.
When the storm comes, let's put our shoulders together and look forward to the hope after that.
If the pieces of our dream are gathered, it'll become a navigation map that points to the future.
So let's get together under one flag and grasp our wish.
We're one, One Piece.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

a stepping stone to become doctors!

hello ppl! gosh, i really miss you guys.
you know what? i realised that our victory at the talentime competition or shall i say, our unity during the preparation for the big day (im talking bout the talentime,for those who are blurr) , has strengthen our relationship. all the hard work,(though there were arguments at the initial part, hehe) has broken the wall between us and definitely made us grow closer to one another. like for example, who the hell knew that the girls can dance? and the guys; donny amused us with his talent in acting,riman in rapping, and no one would have thought that faiz was so supporting to do that 'gedik' act..hahah..(he'll hate me for saying that) and i bet all of us could feel the spirit that we were all in, on that big day. i just love it! and for once,i felt like i was a part of one big happy family.a family that is so close and loving that they would kill for one another.ok fine,thats too dramatic.but still! and that feeling was awesome.it just can't be described with words.gosh,im starting to babble and going off course from what i intend to write bout.OK, focus.

looking at my title, i can assume that you can guess on what im going to talk bout.yup! hospital attachment! and yes, it is a stepping stone for the future doctors.this is the time when we will get an insight into what a doctor's life is like.and the environment in which we will have to live in for a longgg time.so,buckle up and enjoy the ride.hehe weehoo..!

i heard that most of you guys did yours already.so,feel free to share your experience in our precious blog.and for those who haven't done theirs (like me and nadia), let's pray for the best and hope that it'll be enlightening and doesn't freak us out.

wish me all the best.i'll be doing mine with nadia next week in HUKM.
bye.love ya!

p/s who knows, with some luck,i might bump into dr. sheikh.ahahahah

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