~~~~~~~~Map of the Heart~~~~~~~~

It's all right! Let's proceed forward. Always carry the Sun in our heart.
When the storm comes, let's put our shoulders together and look forward to the hope after that.
If the pieces of our dream are gathered, it'll become a navigation map that points to the future.
So let's get together under one flag and grasp our wish.
We're one, One Piece.

Monday, February 4, 2008


To all my beloved classmates aka future docs,
Take note with what am I gonna tell ya (yea.yea.this is my first blog anyway.hehe)
We’ll begin applying for admission to ozz/nz universities in this month till June or August (depends on the university).

So, I would like to give ya all a rough guide(cewah2) on writing an excellent personal statement as well as 'expected questions for the medical school interview.

First and foremost; the personal statement, all of ya can google this link--> http://www.google.com.my/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enMY226MY228&q=personal+statement%3f%3f .
Just choose any desired page,

For example, these websites are quite useful for us-->
1. http://www.studential.com/guide/write_personal_statement.htm

Remember, take those relevant info as a GUIDE. NEVER COPYCAT! or else you'll be rejected

Secondly, 'expected questions during the interview..........
As usual, google by yourself by typing 'medical school interview questions' OR juz click this link ---> http://www.google.com.my/search?hl=ms&q=interview+medicine+questions&meta=
Again, ya have to choose any desired page that ya like, save it, print it, read it and digest.

For example, these websites are loaded with interesting questionsss--->
1. http://gradschool.about.com/cs/medicalinterview/a/medquest.htm
2. http://web.mit.edu/career/www/preprof/pminterviewquestions.pdf

That's all for now. Hurry check out those links that i've provided!

p.s; don't forget to check Unis website to know their updates on admission procedure.

Additional links....
(this uni does not require applicants to sit for exam nor interview but does require an ISAT score to be considered for entry!)



Hani said...

dr hajar...
seriuosly you're so into this thing eh..
THANKS abunch...
when i say this, i believe all of us mean it..
hey... kenapa jadi doctor..
why not go ahead as a kaunselor/student-future-planner (what on earth is the term for those people who work planning out the routes for students??!! aik... i dunno)
hey.. i think that the placement centre, or SAM office can use sumone like you..
OMG, ur gonna be so mad at me..
rite..i'm utterly kidding...
YOU ARE A DOCTOR!!! i can vouch that!!!! almaklum... seminggu ngan you... buat keje heart attachment.. (wht the hell happened to the blog i penat type tu!!!! hajar!!!!!)
i miss you dear.. and all of you of cuz.
happy holidays!!!!

Anonymous said...

owh tahx a lot hajar..
really appreciate that

Anonymous said...


you guys can try this also