~~~~~~~~Map of the Heart~~~~~~~~

It's all right! Let's proceed forward. Always carry the Sun in our heart.
When the storm comes, let's put our shoulders together and look forward to the hope after that.
If the pieces of our dream are gathered, it'll become a navigation map that points to the future.
So let's get together under one flag and grasp our wish.
We're one, One Piece.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Alamak.... the image is not big enuf.

nevertheless, i should tell you what it states:

"when the best and the brightest come together, the possibilities are endless"

i just thought that i wanted to share that. once in a while, we do need some words of encouragement; MOTIVATION!!! hahahahha

i think everyone would agree that our life is pretty much asking us to go MAXIMUM right now. study MAXIMUM, eat MAXIMUM (err..that applies to me je kut), focus in class MAXIMUM, and i don't want to mention the unbearable MINIMUMS like sleeping anf hanging out (there i said it unwillingly).

Personally, sometimes i feel like giving up and succumb to whateva that this hectic life is offering me rite now. sometimes i feel like lying there in my bed with my eyes closes, hoping that i am not 19. sometimes, i just feel like i want to run away and run as fast and as far as i can. i don't want to be found.

But, when i look at you guys, I MEAN ALL OF YOU, i remember that this battle, this pain, this challenge that i am facing.. i am not dealing it all ALONE. i have you guys. i have friends that are around, ceaselessly inspiring me day by day. I thank God for that.

i do not want to run away. i do not want to lie asleep in bed. because, i look forward to the next morning, seeing you guys in class. yup. i'm being a tad too sentimental here. who cares. before it is too late and i may never admit all this.

i ponder on the fore-quotes.. when the BEST and the BRIGHTEST come TOGETHER... i love how it sounds. i may b PINK. ain is a HOT RED. faiz is a SKY BLUE. tasnim's buttercup yellow... its beautiful to think that we all are spectrum of colours that exhibit our very own quality and power.

hey, perhaps we all can name ourselves but color. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? and hold on to the color. (whre am i heading? i need direction)

i hope to work well with you all so that all of us will fly. with God's willing, of cuz.




Hani said...

dah baca balik...
bnyak nyer GRAMMAR mistakes???!!!

Anonymous said...

no kidding, mmg byk gle your grammatical mistakes... lol... but that's not the point.. well yeah i get what you mean...n right now here i am, tgh bukak my friendster, while there's a high pile of assignmnets and homework to be done... owh gawd... somebody save me!

ain betty said...

me, hot red? i like...hahhaa
u know what?
thanks for the blog hani!
now, u have inspired me like seriously!
what u wrote here is exactly like how i feel.like waking up hoping u r 3 years old instead of 19.
but hey, now i realise that im not alone in this battle.so let's do this,together.

Anonymous said...

wat d'you mean i'm a buttercup yellow?? n faiz skyblue??

Anonymous said...

hani meant that you look as yellow as the buttercup margarine. haha!!